
Avon Country Squash Raquets Association

Sports Ladders (.com) provides a free sevice to link people playing squash in Bristol (and the rest of the world). Join up and challange the people who have already signed up. Once you've entered the site click on Find a Player and enter Bristol and UK.

Kingsdown Squash Club
Kingsdown Sports Centre, Portland Street, Kingsdown, Bristol BS2 8HL
0117 9426582

  • 3 public courts
  • Free car parking for 60 cars
  • Friday Club nights
  • Avon League Squash Teams
  • Tournaments

    Horfield Squash Club
    Horfield Sports Centre, Dorian Road, Horfield, Bristol

  • To highlight your business as a specialist retailer in this area click here.

    Internet Squash Links

    British Open Squash.
    UK Squash Racquets Association.
    Internet Squash Federation.

    Click on the arrow to go back to the main Sports page.